Buying: Unidentified Golds, For Title!
Hello, everyone.
I started this thread, apparently, because I'm in need of a supplier (or 2) of Unidentified gold items at a pace that is NOT very high - ~50 every week, maybe 2x a week, but will increase with time, up to 300 or more.
I am currently willing to pay 1k each per item, but prices can be worked out.
Also, if possible, I'm also considering "borrowing" gold items to identify, and then give back, at a lower cost than actually buying them.
For this, I'd hope to pay somewhere around 600-700 gold each.
For this option, I'd expect the Supplier to need to earn my trust, which I am fully comitted to earning.
Finally, again, if the prices here seem different from your norms, please post what you're currently recieving for the Golds and we'll surely work something out here, or ingame.
Thanks go to all Suppliers in advance!